I'm excited to kick off this December edition of Booze N Books with a couple great feature items.
I wanted to stick with the holiday/retail theme and I wasn't feeling "A Christmas Carol" (sorry Charles Dickens) so I'm going with Shoe Dog by Phil Knight.
Knight is the creator of Nike. With Nike being a retail king it felt fitting for the busy holiday season and final book for 2018.

Nike has been a staple in the sporting world and Knight himself was an avid runner and track star. To tie together sports with the Booze of the Month, I have went with my favourite, Locker Room Lager.
The gents at Post Game Brewing have been dominating the craft brew scene in Southern Ontario and have even expanded out west, as well as into the US.
If you are in Ontario, you will be able to find this at your local Beer Store - check availability HERE. There are also available at the LCBO.
If you don't have any near you, shoot the guys a note at Post Game Brewing and they will be happy to help you out!

Join in on the fun and follow along in the comment thread below.
The best comments will have a chance to win a Locker Room Lager gift pack.
So go buy Shoe Dog (available on Amazon), grab yourself a case of Locker Room and get into it.
Go Books!
Ty "Book Club Dude" Cameron
YouTube: Tyler Cameron IG: @tylertypes FB: Tyler Cameron
Twitter: @tylertyping Email: holler@tylertypes.com
The book is an engrossing read, but, like others, I got a little behind over the holidays and haven't quite finished...I figured having 40 per cent of the reading done and having 60 per cent more LRL than is required still equals 100% of the challenge...looking forward to finishing in the coming weeks!
I'm also REALLY behind on my December reading as January is already here and I'm only in 1965 in the book. I'm really enjoying the book; I've just let the Christmas season occupy my time. I'm in awe of Knight's adventurous nature to travel the world so close after the end of WWII, during the Cold War, and leading towards the Vietnam War. Although I'm behind in my reading, I'm not behind on my enjoyment of LRL.
I'm a little behind (on the book, not the booze) for this month but I'm absolutely loving Shoe Dog. Phil Knight seemed like a nervous, weird wreck at times and others... the dude was a boss! Who's reading and drinking Locker Room Lager with me out there?